The article below will help you better understand your RealArb invoice(s). When you receive an invoice from RealArb you will receive two emails. The first email will show the amount due and the due date. It will also provide you with two attachments. The first attachment is a PDF file that will display the line items and their associated fees or concessions. The second attachment will be an excel file breakdown of how these fees or concessions were calculated based off of the orders/sales in the given billing period.
The second email will be from our payment processor This email will provide you a link where you will be able to view and pay your invoice.
Please see below for more details on both of these emails.
Invoice Email
This is the email you will receive from RealArb alerting you that we have issued you an invoice. It will look something like the image below.
Accompanied with this email will be two attachments. One attachment will be a PDF and will look like the following image. This is the itemized invoice itself, with the line items used to calculate your total.
In the example below you can see how the RealArb fee is displayed as well as how refunds or concessions of the RealArb fee are displayed.
Your Invoice Excel Breakdown
The second attachment you will want to review carefully is an excel breakdown of how the line items in your invoice were calculated. Your invoice is calculated on an order to order level and this excel breakdown will show exactly how your fee or concessions were calculated based on the sales RealArb has generated for you during the billing period.
On the excel file, in row 1 you will see the header names for the information in the column below it. The following are the definitions for these headers.
Column A - Sold - The marketplace where the sale took place
Column B - Date Sold - The date in which the sale occurred
Column C - Date ^ - This represents the status date change, or when you made an adjustment to the order in your RealArb dashboard.
Column D - Status - The status of the order in your RealArb dashboard. To learn more about RealArb order status's and how they can affect billing please review this article: Entering Information into your dashboard
Column E - Customer # - The marketplaces customer order number.
Column F - Item - The title of the item that sold.
Column G - Qt - Quantity of the item purchased by the customer.
Column H - Sold Pre/T - The items sale price before being converted to USD and before sales tax is deducted.
Column I - Shipped Charge - Shipping fees charged to the customer
Column J - Conv(USD) - The conversion rate used to convert the currency into USD.
Column K - $-Tax+Ship - This column represents the sale price minus tax and including the shipping fees charged.
Column L - Tax - Sales tax paid by your customer. We do not charge our fee based on this sales tax. It is reduced from the sale price before our fee is calcualted.
Column M - Paid - What you paid the source/purchase the item that sold.
Column N - Fee - The RealArb fee in association with the order. Different marketplaces and even items can have different fees associated with the sale so you will want to review this column carefully.
Column O - Wal Adj - This column is only used for our clients that sell on Walmart and are a part of the autobuying service. When a sale occurs and is placed by autobuying, if the items profit margin for clients is lower then the intended amount, you will be refunded a portion of the RealArb software fee until you have met the agreed upon minimum margin. Currently the minimum margin for our Walmart US clients on autobuying is $8. Any amount you see in this column will be reduced off of your RealArb software fee for the billing period.
Column P - His Adj - This column displays any historical adjustments you have received for an order.
Column Q - Concessions - This column displays the refunds or concessions a client receives for an order. The total of this column is then reduced from the amount due on your RealArb invoice.
Column R - Autobought - This column will display when an order is processed through the autobuying service, and the autobuying charge is being applied.
Column S - Invoiced - This column will display if the given order has been charged in a previous invoice. This is used to help clarify and identify concessions that are needed for orders that have been cancelled or returned.
Column T - Refund date - The dates displayed in this column represent the date or billing period where the client was issues a refund of the RealArb fee.
Our payment processor
The second email you will receive regarding your invoice will be from our payment processor The email will look something like the following image.
Upon clicking the following link - Click here to make a payment. We accept ACH, Debit and Credit Cards - you will be taken to a page where you can submit payment for your invoice and create a BillandPay account.
We recommend all clients make an account with Creating an account with BillandPay will give you the additional benefits listed below.
- Remember your account information so you don't have to enter it every time you pay
- Pay more than one invoice at a time
- View past RealArb invoices and payment history
- Approve automatic payments
- Enter up to three email addresses to receive billing notifications
Billing policies