1.) Vacation
a. If you need to turn your RealArb sales off for any reason, please reach out to your account manager directly. This will prevent any technical issue that could occur. Please confirm with your manager the account is off.
b. RealArb is not required to hold the data, listings, or brands for you while your account is off. Upon your return your previous data may not be available. Moving forward you may have to work with new data.
2.) Privacy
a. Please refrain from sharing any and all personal or sensitive information with others.
b. RealArb is only able to answer questions or grant requests in regards to your individual account. Anything related to your account must be from you. RealArb cannot and will not reply to questions or accommodate requests, that do not pertain to your individual account.
3.) Sales Volume
a. If you are doing too many or too little sales please let us know. RealArb can scale you up or down in sales volume. When considering a sales volume adjustment, please consider the following. Failure to consider the following may lead to marketplace account health issues.
i. How many sales can you handle moving forward from a financial stand point.
ii. How many sales can you handle moving forward from a work load stand point.
iii. Account based velocity limits. These can be in regards to units sold or revenue generated.
4.) Order Management
a. It is the RealArb client's responsibility to buy items that have sold in a timely manner. Failure to do so may lead to a high cancellation rate of orders. A high cancellation rate caused by this may lead to termination of your RealArb account.
5.) RealArb Solutions
a. If you are experiencing issues in any regards please inform us right away. While our system is highly accurate occasionally edge cases arise. It is our number one priority to resolve these as quickly as possible, but we cannot resolve them without knowing about them in a timely fashion.
b. For any perceived issue please submit the order and sku via your "Create Order/Sku Problem" page on your RealArb dashboard.
6.) Mandatory Shipping Settings
a. At this time we require certain settings and standards for each individual marketplace's shipping settings. Failure to abide by these required shipping settings may lead to account suspension or termination. To make sure your shipping settings are set properly please refer to the RealArb set up article for the appropriate marketplace: https://realarb.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/67000353835
7.) Amazon Velocity limits
Our number one priority as a company is to keep our clients amazon accounts healthy. In regards to amazon they have a term/rule called "velocity limits." If your amazon account has never consistently done a higher number of sales per day and then you start doing a high number of sales per day, amazon will shut you down. In order to avoid this complication we will progress your account very strategically. Amazons Velocity limit policy: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/200320980?language=en-US&ref=mpbc_3485871_cont_200320980
8.) Profit Fluctuations
While we would like to see every client make a healthy profit there are a host of variables that can make a client's profit higher or lower than anticipated. While we do not charge you extra when you are able to profit more we also are unable to offer discounts if you do not profit your anticipated amount on a sale. We cannot adjust systematically or address issues on an individual order level. RealArb can only address issues with the overall averages of your profit margins.
9.) Communications with Realarb
Please keep all communications with Realarb as clear and organized as possible. We can only answer questions that have to do with our system and the service we provide. We cannot and will not provide help in regards to anything that is not having to do with our services or system.
10.) Termination
This is a "at will" agreement and relationship, meaning RealArb shall have the right to immediately terminate a client's RealArb account at any time for any cause.