When shipping items internationally, duties and customs can be intimidating.

Contrary to popular belief they are easy to understand and account for. We include this additional cost into the items price for you, ensuring your profits will be unaffected.

The actual breakdown of how to calculate this number is the following. For most countries, we use the manufacturer's cost of an item as the declared value, which comes to be 1/3 of the price in which you sold the item for. You must pay 20% for duties of this value. (ex. Sold for $150 = $10 duties cost.)

How are customs and duties paid?

The cost of customs and duties is included in the listing price of your orders. We require that all clients ship internationally with “DDP” shipping, meaning duties are paid as the order goes through customs. This amount is estimated and paid at the time a shipping label is created and is based off the declared value. If customs determine a value different than your estimated duties, your shipping carrier will invoice you for this difference.